Heat-treated plates are produced from medium or hard aluminum alloys. Non-heat-treated plates are made from aluminum or soft to medium or hard aluminum alloys.

These products are subsequently used by consumers to manufacture end items such as boxes, mechanical parts for panels, tools, dies, and household appliances. In these applications, the optimal mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of aluminium are highly advantageous, and the material's lightweight nature plays a crucial role.
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) was issued to ALRO by EDP International AB, covering the Company products Aluminium Hard Plates 7175 T7351. The EDP was issued in January 2025, for a period of five years.
The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) provides transparent and comparable information about the product's environmental impact throughout its life cycle, offering a reliable, transparent, and verifiable environmental profile, highlighting eco-friendly products based on Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) in compliance with international standards and quantifiable environmental data.
The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) underlying EPDs are conducted according to Product Category Rules (PCR) that ensure consistent criteria, in line with ISO 14025, ISO 14040/14044, and other relevant standards or methodological guidelines.