Ref: Current report as per art.113 item A par. j) of the National Securities Commission’s Regulation no.1/2006 on the issuers of and operations with securities, as subsequently amended and completed, as well as per the provisions of art.99 of the Buchares

Fri, 06/10/2016 - 15:23

Significant event to be reported:

Information on the status of the civil action lodged by S.P.E.E.H. Hidroelectrica S.A. against Alro S.A.  concerning the electricity producer’s material claims, representing claimed unachieved benefits related to the bilateral agreement with Alro.

The company Alro S.A. hereby informs the shareholders and investors that in the matter of the case lodged by S.P.E.E.H. Hidroelectrica S.A. against Alro S.A., which is subject to the case file no. 13264/3/2015 currently pending before the Bucharest Court of Law, on the hearing date of May 11th 2016 the Court examined the case and postponed the decision delivery for May 25th 2016 and subsequently, for June 8th 2016.

On June 8th 2016 the Bucharest Court of Law has briefly ruled the following resolution: The Court dismisses the request related to the first header of claim and the claims related to the second header of claim, for the period January 1st 2011 - April 9th 2012 concerning the time-barring of the material right to claim. The Court dismisses the claims related to the second header of claim, for the period April 10th 2012 – May 31st 2012, as being ungrounded. Right to appeal within 30 days since the notification. Appeal to be filed at the Bucharest Court of Law, 6th Civil Division. Decision delivered in open session today, June 8th 2016.

Mention is made that the information regarding the court resolution has been excerpted from the Court of Law web portal, as posted on the web site of Bucharest Court of Law on June 10th 2016.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer