Ref: Current report as per art.113 item A letter j) of the National Securities Commission’s Regulation no.1/2006 on the issuers of and operations with securities, as subsequently amended and completed, as well as per the provisions of art.99 of the Buchar
Thu, 02/02/2017 - 14:58
Significant events to be reported: Information on the status of the civil action lodged by ALRO S.A. against the Competition Council concerning the former’s claim for the cancellation of the Sanction decision no. 82/2015 issued by the Competition Council
In the case file 954/2/2016 pending before the Bucharest Court of Appeal, whose object-matter is both the claim for the cancellation of an administrative document – i.e. the sanction report, as well as the claim for the cancellation of the sanction decision no. 82/2015 issued by the Competition Council, following the attachment of the case file 3536/2/2016, on the hearing date of February 01st, 2017the court deferred the judgement of the case for the date of March 01st, 2017, so that the documents submitted during public hearing could be read and reviewed by the parties.
We would like to mention that the information regarding the court resolution has been excerpted from the Courts of Law web portal, as posted on the web site of the Bucharest Court of Appeal,on February 02nd, 2017.
We wish to remind that following the court resolution on December 21st, 2016, such Court admitted the exception of inadmissibility of the request for cancellation of the Deliberation Minutes dated 24.12.2015 of the Competition Council plenary, pleaded by the defendant and decided that on February 01st, 2017 the trial would continue with the other aspects brought before the court, respectively Alro’s appeal against the sanctioning decision.
As concerns the status of the above case file, Alro S.A. will inform the general public and the investors in due course.
Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE | Gheorghe DOBRA |
Chairman of the Board of Directors | Chief Executive Officer |