Current report in compliance with the stipulations of article no. 122 from the Law no. 24/2017 regarding Issuers of financial instruments and market operations

Fri, 05/26/2017 - 08:35

We hereby inform all persons who may be interested in the summoning of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders Meetings of Alro S.A., as follows:

I.    Further to its Resolution no. 1321 dated May 25, 2017, the Board of Directors of Alro S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), with registered office in Slatina, 116 Pitesti Street, Olt County, Romania, registered with the Trade Registry under no. J28/8/1991, Sole Registration Code RO1515374, on the basis of art. 117 of Law no. 31/1990 pertaining to companies, republished, with subsequent changes, hereby convenes the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders registered in the Shareholders’ Registry at the end of the day of June 16, 2017, considered reference date, for the date of June 27, 2017, at 11,00 AM and respectively at 11,30 AM at the registered office of the Company in Slatina, 116 Pitesti Street, Olt County, Romania.

Should, on the above-mentioned date, the attendance quorum provided by the Articles of Incorporationof the Company be not met, according to art. 118 of Law no. 31/1990 pertaining to companies, republished, with subsequent changes, the second Ordinary and the second Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders are convened and setfor the date of June 28, 2017, at 11,00 and respectively at 11,30 AM at the Company’s registered office in Slatina, 116 Pitesti Street, Olt County, Romania.

II.The agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders is the following:

1.      Appointment of one member of the Board of Directors, following to the expiry of the mandate of Mr. Adrian Manaicu

2.      Approval to empower Mr. Ion Constantinescu to comply with all the formalities for the registration of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’ resolution

3.      Approval of the date of July 18, 2017 as registration date, for the opposability of all the decisions made by the Shareholder’s Ordinary General Meeting,in accordance with the provisions of art. 86 in Law no. 24/2017 regarding the issuers of the financial instruments and market operations

4.      Approval of the date of July 17, 2017 as ex date in accordance with the provisions of art. 1292 of Regulation no 1/2006 on issuers and operations with securities issued by NSC (presently Financial Supervisory Authority)

III.    The agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders is the following:

1.      Approval of the modification of art. 15 paragraph (5) of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company following the appointment of one member of the Board of Directors, as follows:

“(5)The structure of the Board of Directors is the following:

·         Marian-Daniel Nastase – born in Bucharest, Romania, on May 13th, 1972, domiciled in Ilfov County, Voluntari City, no. 5 Drumul Potcoavei Street, Romanian citizen, Personal Identification Number 1720513470039 – Chairman;

·         Serghei Gheorghe– born in Bratlav Nemirovo – Ukraine, on May 20, 1960,  domiciled in Bucharest, no. 18  Libertatii Street, block of  flats no. 104, 2nd entrance, apartment no. 31, district 5, Romanian citizen, Personal Identification Number 1600520400171 – Vice-president;

·         Gheorghe Dobra – born in Oinacu, Branistea village, Giurgiu county, Romania, on February 25, 1959, domiciled in Slatina, no. 40 Panselelor street, Olt county, Romanian citizen, Personal Identification Number 1590225284389– member;

·         Pavel Machitski – born in Irkutsk, Russian Federation, on January 4th, 1983, identified with passport type P, no. 53 1233404, issued on December 16, 2016 and valid until December 16, 2026, Russian citizen– member;

Artem Anikin - born on May 5, 1983, domiciled in Moscow, Zhivopisnaya Street, 13-1, 99, Russia, 123103, Russian citizen, identified with passport type P no. 721476976- member;

Aleksandr Barabanov - born in Balashiha (Moscow region), on May 8, 1979, domiciled in Balashiha, Moscow region, 40 Let Pobedi Street, no.13, apartment 10, Russia, 143905, Russian citizen, identified with passport type P, no. 750548838- member;

♦♦♦.” (the Company’s Articles of Incorporation shall be filled in with the personal data of the member of the Board of Directors, appointed by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders)

2.      Approval to empower the president of the Board of Directors for signing the Articles of Incorporation of the Company modified according to the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and to empower Mr. Ion Constantinescu to comply with all the formalities for the registration of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’ resolutions

3.      Approval of the date of July 18, 2017 as registration date, for the opposability of all the decisions made by the Shareholder’s Extraordinary General Meeting,in accordance with the provisions of art. 86 in Law no. 24/2017 regarding the issuers of the financial instruments and market operations

4.      Approval of the date of July 17, 2017 as ex date in accordance with the provisions of art. 1292 of Regulation no 1/2006 on issuers and operations with securities issued by NSC (presently Financial Supervisory Authority).

One or more shareholders, holding, individually or together, at least 5% from the share capital of the Company, registered at the reference date, has/have the right to include new items on the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders (each new item shall be submitted together with an explanation or a draft resolution in order to be adopted in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings) and to submit draft resolutions for items included or to be included on the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders, not later than 15 days from the date this summons has been published, i.e. not later than June 12, 2017.

The above mentioned rights of the shareholders shall be exercised only in writing.

IV.    The shareholders are entitled to ask questions related to items on the agenda of the two above mentioned general meetings; the answers to be published on the Company’s Internet website page questions shall be submitted or sent at the registered office of the Company in such way to be registered at the Registration Office of the Company from Slatina, 116 Pitesti Street, Olt County, Romania, not later than June 19, 2017, hours 3,00 PM, in a sealed envelope bearing the clearly written statement in capital letters: “FOR THE ORDINARY AND/OR EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS FROM JUNE 27/28, 2017”.

V.    The registered shareholders at the reference date shall exercise the right to participate and vote in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders personally, via correspondence or through a representative with special/general proxy. The general proxy will be awarded by the shareholder, acting as client, only to an agent as it is defined in art. 2 paragraph 1, point 20 of Law no. 24/2017 regarding the issuers of the financial instruments and market operations, or to an attorney-at-law.

VI.   In case the shareholders appoint representatives for participation and voting in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders, the notification of their appointment shall be submitted to the Company only in writing.

VII.    The bulletin forms for vote via correspondence and the special proxy forms for representation of the shareholders in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders are made available at the registered office of the Company, as well as on the website of the Company

VIII.       Correspondence vote forms filled in by the shareholders either in Romanian or English shall be submitted or sent in original, through certified mail, to the Registration Office of the Company, together with the copy of the identity document for shareholders - natural person or with the copy of the identity document of the legal representative of the shareholder - legal person, signatory of the Correspondence vote form, in such way to be registered at the Registration Office of the Company as follows:

-          not later than June 25, 2017, hours 9,00 AM, in a sealed envelope bearing the clearly written statement in capital letters: “VOTE BY CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS FROM JUNE 27/28, 2017“; In case of correspondence voting forms for secret vote, the correspondence voting forms shall be enclosed in a distinct envelope on which it shall be mentioned: “SECRET VOTE BY CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS FROM JUNE 27/28, 2017”;

-          not later than June 25, 2017, hours 9,30 AM, in a sealed envelope bearing the clearly written statement in capital letters: “VOTE BY CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS FROM JUNE 27/28, 2017“.

IX. The correspondence vote forms which shall not have been received in the form and within the term provided for under art. VIII of this Summons shallnot be taken into account when the presence and the voting quorum is established and when the votes are counted in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders.

X.    The proxies for shareholders’ representation in the General Meetings, filled in by the shareholders  either in Romanian or in a widely used language in the international financial area, together with  the copy of the identity document of the appointed representative, shall be submitted or sent in copy, containing the remark of true copy of the original under the representative’s signature, through certified mail, to the Registration Office of the Company in such way to be registered at the registry of the Company as follows:

-          not later than June 25, 2017, hours 9,00 AM, in a sealed envelope bearing the clearly written statement in capital letters: “FOR THE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS FROM JUNE 27/28, 2017 “;

-          not later than June 25, 2017, hours 9,30 AM, in a sealed envelope bearing the clearly written statement in capital letters: “FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS FROM JUNE 27/28, 2017 “.

      The proxies can also be sent by e-mail to the address

XI.    Only the registered shareholders at the reference date shall be entitled to participate and to vote in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders convened for June 27/28, 2017, personally, via correspondence or through a representative with proxy.

XII. The nominations for the director position may be deposited until June 21, 2017 and will include at least information regarding name, hometown and professional skills of the persons nominated for the director position.

The nominations for the director position will be posted at the Company’s website starting from the date of their registration at the Company. The Company will draft the list containing the name, hometown and professional skills of the persons nominated for the director position and will make it available for the shareholders, at the Company’s registered office or on its website and can be consulted or amended by the shareholders.

XIII. The documents and information related to the items of the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders, as well as the draft decisions related to the items on the agenda, the Correspondence vote forms and the proxy forms for representation of the shareholders in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Shareholders, as well as the Regulation for exercising the voting right in the General Meetings by Alro’s shareholders are made available for the shareholders at the registered office of the Company from Slatina, 116 Pitesti Street, Olt County, Romania, and are posted on the website of the Company starting from the date of May 27, 2017.

         Any additional information may be obtained at phone no. 0249-434.302.                 

Marian-Daniel Năstase                                           Gheorghe Dobra, Ph.D.

Chairman of the Board of Directors                                        General Manager            

I.            Prin Hotararea nr. 1321/25.05.2017, Consiliul de Administratie al Alro S.A. (denumita in  continuare “Societatea”), cu sediul in Slatina, str. Pitesti nr.116, jud. Olt, Romania, inmatriculata in Registrul Comertului sub nr. J28/8/1991, CUI RO1515374, in temeiul art. 117 din Legea nr. 31/1990 privind societatile, republicata, cu modificarile ulterioare, convoaca Adunarea Generala Ordinara si Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor inscrisi in Registrul Actionarilor Societatii la sfarsitul zilei de 16 iunie 2017, considerata data de referinta, pentru data de 27 iunie 2017, la orele 11.00 si respectiv la orele 11.30 la sediul Societatii din Slatina, str. Pitesti nr.116, jud. Olt, Romania.

In cazul in care la data mentionata nu se intruneste cvorumul de prezenta prevazut de Actul Constitutiv al Societatii, in temeiul art. 118 din Legea nr. 31/1990, republicata, se convoaca si se fixeaza cea de-a doua Adunare Generala Ordinara si cea de-a doua Adunare Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor pentru data de 28 iunie 2017, la orele 11.00 si respectiv la orele 11.30 la sediul Societatii din Slatina, str. Pitesti nr.116, jud. Olt, Romania.

      II.          Ordinea de zi pentru Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor este urmatoarea:

1.      Alegerea unui administrator, ca urmare a expirarii mandatului d-lui. Adrian Manaicu

2.      Aprobarea imputernicirii domnului Ion Constantinescu pentru efectuarea tuturor formalitatilor necesare in vederea inregistrarii hotararii Adunarii Generale Ordinare a Actionarilor

3.      Aprobarea datei de 18 iulie 2017 ca data de inregistrare a actionarilor, pentru opozabilitatea tuturor hotararilor luate in Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor,in conformitate cu dispozitiile art. 86 din Legea nr. 24/2017 privind emitentii de instrumente financiare si operatiuni de piata

4.      Aprobarea datei de 17 iulie 2017 ca ex date, in conformitate cu dispozitiile art. 1292 din Regulamentul nr. 1/2006 privind emitentii si operațiunile cu valori mobiliare, emis de C.N.V.M. (in prezent A.S.F.)

      III.         Ordinea de zi pentru Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor este urmatoarea:

1.      Aprobarea modificarii art. 15 alin. (5) din Actul Constitutiv al Societatii ca o consecinta a alegerii unui membru al Consiliului de Administratie, astfel:

“(5) Componenta Consiliului de Administratie este urmatoarea:

·        Marian-Daniel Nastase - nascut in Bucuresti, Romania, in data de 13.05.1972,  cu domiciliul in jud. Ilfov, orasul Voluntari, Str. Drumul Potcoavei nr. 5, cetatean roman, CNP 1720513470039 -Presedinte;

·        Serghei Gheorghe – nascut in Bratlav Nemirovo – Ucraina, la data de 20.05.1960, cu domiciliul in Bucuresti, B.ld Libertatii, nr. 18, bl. 104, sc. 2, ap. 31, sector 5, cetatean roman, CNP 1600520400171 – Vicepresedinte;

·        Gheorghe Dobra - nascut la Oinacu, sat Branistea, jud. Giurgiu, Romania, in data de 25.02.1959, cu domiciliul in Slatina, Str. Panselelor nr. 40, jud. Olt, cetatean roman, CNP 1590225284389 –membru;

·        Pavel Machitski - nascut in Irkutsk, Federatia Rusa, la data de 04.01.1983, legitimat cu pasaport tip P, nr. 53 1233404, emis la data de 16.12.2016 si valabil pana la data de 16.12.2026, cetatean rus- membru;

·        Artem Anikin - nascut la data de 5 mai 1983, cu domiciliul in Moscova, Str. Zhivopisnaya, 13-1, 99, Rusia, 123103, cetatean rus, identificat cu pasaport tip P nr. 721476976- membru;

·        Aleksandr Barabanov - nascut in Balashiha (regiunea Moscova), la data de 8 mai 1979, cu domiciliul in Balashiha, regiunea Moscova, Str. 40 Let Pobedi, nr. 13, ap. 10, Rusia, 143905, cetatean rus, identificat cu pasaport tip P, nr. 750548838- membru;

·        ♦♦♦.” (Actul constitutiv al Societatii se va completa cu datele administratorului ales de Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor)

2.      Aprobarea imputernicirii presedintelui Consiliului de Administratie pentru semnarea Actului Constitutiv modificat conform hotararii Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor si a imputernicirii domnului Ion Constantinescu pentru efectuarea tuturor formalitatilor necesare in vederea inregistrarii hotararilor Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor

3.      Aprobarea datei de 18 iulie 2017 ca data de inregistrare a actionarilor, pentru opozabilitatea tuturor hotararilor luate in Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor, in conformitate cu dispozitiile art. 86 din Legea nr. 24/2017 privind emitentii de instrumente financiare si operatiuni de piata

4.      Aprobarea datei de 17 iulie 2017 ca ex date, in conformitate cu dispozitiile art. 1292 din Regulamentul nr. 1/2006 privind emitentii si operațiunile cu valori mobiliare, emis de C.N.V.M. (in prezent A.S.F.)

Unul sau mai multi actionari care detin, individual sau impreuna cel putin 5% din capitalul social al Societatii, inregistrati la data de referinta, are/au dreptul de a introduce noi puncte pe ordinea de zi a Adunarilor Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor (fiecare punct nou va fi insotit de o justificare sau de un proiect de hotarare propus spre adoptare de Adunarile Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara) si de a prezenta proiecte de hotarare pentru punctele incluse sau propuse spre a fi incluse pe ordinea de zi a Adunarilor Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor, in termen de cel mult 15 zile de la data publicarii prezentului convocator, respectiv pana cel tarziu la data de 12 iunie  2017.

Aceste drepturi vor fi exercitate numai in scris.

IV.            Actionarii au dreptul sa adreseze intrebari privind punctele de pe ordinea de zi a celor doua adunari generale, mai sus mentionate, raspunsurile urmand a fi publicate pe pagina de Internet a Societatii Intrebarile vor fi depuse sau expediate la sediul Societatii astfel incat sa fie inregistrate la registratura Societatii din Slatina, str. Pitesti nr. 116, judetul Olt, Romania, pana cel tarziu la data de 19 iunie 2017, orele 15.00, in plic inchis, cu mentiunea scrisa in clar si cu majuscule “PENTRU ADUNARILE GENERALE ORDINARA SI/SAU EXTRAORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR DIN 27/28 IUNIE 2017”.

V.            Actionarii inregistrati la data de referinta isi pot exercita dreptul de a participa si de a vota in Adunarile Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor direct, prin corespondenta sau prin reprezentant cu imputernicire speciala/generala. Imputernicirea generala va putea fi acordata de actionar, in calitate de client, doar unui intermediar definit conform art. 2 alin. (1) pct. 20 din legea nr. 24/2017 privind emitentii de instrumente financiare si operatiuni de piata, sau unui avocat.

VI.            In cazul in care actionarii isi desemneaza reprezentanti pentru a participa si vota in cadrul Adunarilor Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor, notificarea desemnarii acestora va fi transmisa Societatii numai in scris.

VII.            Formularele de buletin de vot prin corespondenta si formularele de imputerniciri speciale pentru reprezentarea actionarilor in Adunarile Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor se pot obtine de la sediul Societatii, precum si de pe pagina de Internet a Societatii

VIII.            Formularele de vot prin corespondenta, completate de actionari fie in limba romana, fie in limba engleza vor fi depuse sau expediate la registratura Societatii, in original, prin scrisoare recomandata, impreuna cu copia actului de identitate pentru actionarii - persoane fizice sau copia actului de identitate a reprezentantului legal al actionarului - persoana juridica, semnatar al Formularului de vot prin corespondenta, astfel incat sa fie inregistrate la registratura Societatii astfel:

-          pana cel tarziu la data de 25 iunie 2017, orele 09.00, in plic inchis, cu mentiunea scrisa in clar si cu majuscule “VOT PRIN CORESPONDENTA PENTRU ADUNAREA GENERALA ORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR DIN 27/28 IUNIE 2017”; In cazul buletinelor de vot prin corespondenta pentru vot secret, buletinele de vot prin corespondenta vor fi introduse intr-un plic separat pe care se va mentiona “VOT SECRET PRIN CORESPONDENTA PENTRU ADUNAREA GENERALA ORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR DIN 27/28 IUNIE 2017”;

-          pana cel tarziu la data de 25 iunie 2017, orele 09.30, in plic inchis, cu mentiunea scrisa in clar si cu majuscule “VOT PRIN CORESPONDENTA PENTRU ADUNAREA GENERALA EXTRAORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR DIN 27/28 IUNIE 2017”.

IX.            Buletinele de vot prin corespondenta care nu sunt primite in forma si in termenul stipulat la art. VIII din prezentul convocator nu vor fi luate in calcul pentru determinarea cvorumului de prezenta si vot precum si la numaratoarea voturilor in Adunarile Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor.

X.            Imputernicirile pentru reprezentarea actionarilor in Adunarile Generale, completate de actionari fie in limba romana, fie intr-o limba straina de larga circulatie in domeniul financiar international, insotite de copia actului de identitate al reprezentantului desemnat, vor fi depuse sau expediate, la registratura Societatii, in copie, cuprinzand mentiunea conformitatii cu originalul sub semnatura reprezentantului, prin scrisoare recomandata, astfel incat sa fie inregistrate la registratura Societatii astfel:

-          pana cel tarziu la data de 25 iunie 2017, orele 09.00, in plic inchis, cu mentiunea scrisa in clar si cu majuscule “PENTRU ADUNAREA GENERALA ORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR DIN 27/28 IUNIE 2017”;

-          pana cel tarziu la data de 25 iunie 2017, orele 09.30, in plic inchis, cu mentiunea scrisa in clar si cu majuscule “PENTRU ADUNAREA GENERALA EXTRAORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR DIN 27/28 IUNIE 2017”.

De asemenea, imputernicirile se pot transmite prin e-mail, la adresa

XI.            Numai persoanele care sunt inregistrate ca actionari la data de referinta au dreptul de a participa si de a vota in cadrul Adunarilor Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor din data de 27/28 iunie 2017 personal, prin corespondenta sau prin reprezentant cu imputernicire.

XII.            Candidaturile pentru pozitia de administrator se pot depune pana la data de 21 iunie 2017 si vor include cel putin informatii cu privire la numele, localitatea de domiciliu si calificarea profesionala ale persoanelor propuse pentru functia de administrator. Candidaturile pentru functia de administrator se vor posta pe pagina de internet a Societatii in ziua inregistrarii lor la Societate. Societatea va întocmi lista cuprinzand informatii cu privire la numele, localitatea de domiciliu si calificarea profesionala ale persoanelor propuse pentru functia de administrator si o va pune la dispozitia actionarilor, la sediul Societatii sau pe pagina de internet, putand fi consultata si completata de actionari.

XIII.            Documentele si materialele informative referitoare la subiectele aflate pe ordinea de zi a Adunarilor Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara, precum si proiectele de hotarari pentru punctele de propuneri de pe ordinea de zi, formularele de buletin de vot prin corespondenta si de imputernicire speciala pentru reprezentarea actionarilor in Adunarile Generale Ordinara si Extraordinara a Actionarilor, precum si Regulamentul pentru exercitarea dreptului de vot in Adunarile Generale de catre actionarii Alro S.A. Slatina, se afla la dispozitia actionarilor la sediul Societatii din Slatina, str. Pitesti, nr. 116, jud. Olt, Romania si sunt postate pe pagina de Internet a Societatii incepand cu data de 27 mai 2017.

Informatii suplimentare se pot obtine la tel. 0249-434.302.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer