Current report in compliance with Regulation no.1/2006 of NSC and with the stipulations of article no. 82 of Law no. 24/2017 regarding Issuers of Financial Instrument and Market Operations

Thu, 04/06/2017 - 08:19

Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALRO S.A. concluded with company CENTRUL RIVERGATE S.R.L.the next transaction whose value to over EUR 50,000  (exchange rate 4,5452 RON/EUR; 4,2666 RON/USD, the calculated value does not include VAT):


No.Number and dateObject

Total value


Mutual debtsGuarantee

Payment terms

and means

1.504/05.04.2017Purcharsing by Alro S.A. of two second hand fire trucks399,523--With Payment Order within 10 days from contract signature


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer