Current report in compliance with Regulation no.1/2006 of NSC and with the stipulations of article no. 82 of Law no. 24/2017 regarding Issuers of Financial Instrument and Market Operations

Fri, 02/02/2018 - 18:49

Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALRO S.A. concluded with the companies VIMETCO EXTRUSION S.R.L., ALUM S.A. (members of Alro Group registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority) the following transactionswhose cumulated values amount to over EUR 50,000 (the exchange rate is 4.6551 RON/EUR; 3.7443RON/USD and the calculated values are exclusive of VAT):



No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuaranteePayment terms and means
1.183/02.02.2018Addendum no.7 to contract no. 01/2007 on extending the contract for the electricity supplied in 2018, establishing the amount of contracted electricity, the estimated contract price, determining the invoicing and payment methods.2,870,769.96--

-on the first business day of the delivery month an advance invoice amounting to 25% of the amount of the electric power to be traded in a delivery month shall be issued; the invoice shall be due within 7 calendar days from issuance

-  the settlement invoice shall be issued for the amount of electricity corresponding to the supply month, as determined according to the metering data, to which the related taxes and fees shall be added, as per the applicable legislation; the value of the advance invoice shall be correspondingly subtracted from such value. The settlement invoice shall be issued within maximum 4 business days, calculated from the last calendar day of each month of supply, starting with the first business day that follows the signing date of Protocol establishing the metering data.



No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuaranteePayment terms and means
1.184/02.02.2018Addendum no.23  to contract no. 02/2006 on extending the contract for the electricity supplied in 2018, establishing the amount of contracted electricity, the estimated contract price, determining the invoicing and payment methods.29,608,161.29--

- on the first business day of the delivery month an advance invoice amounting to 25% of the amount of the electric power to be traded in a delivery month shall be issued; the invoice shall be due within 7 calendar days from issuance

- the settlement invoice shall be issued for the amount of electric power of the delivery month, as established according to the metering data, to which the related taxes and fees are added as per the applicable legislation; the value of the advance payment shall be subtracted from the total invoice value. The settlement invoice shall be issued within maximum 9 business days, calculated from the last calendar day of each delivery month following the day when the metering data are received from the Distribution Operator.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer