Current report in compliance with of article no. 92 ind 3 of Law no. 24/2017 (ALUM S.A. & Sierra Mineral Holdings 1 Limited)

Mon, 12/28/2020 - 17:40

Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALUM S.A., subsidiary of ALRO S.A., concluded with the company Sierra Mineral Holdings 1 Limited, subsidiary of ALRO S.A., on the date of December 28th 2020, a new transaction, based on contract for bauxite procurement, whose value cumulated with the other transactions concluded/ carried out within the last 12 months, cumulatively exceeds 5% of the Company’s net assets, as per ALRO S.A. standalone financial statements for the year 2019, in amount of RON 37,077,541. 

Details regarding the transaction concluded on December 28th 2020 by ALUM S.A., as buyer, with Sierra Mineral Holdings 1 Limited, as seller, containing information on the transaction date of conclusion, nature, description of its object, mutual receivables and debts are presented in Annex 1 hereto.

Annex 1 – Reporting of the transaction concluded on December 28th 2020 and of mutual receivables and debts (balances) as of 30 November 2020