Current report in compliance with of article no. 82 of Law no. 24/2017
Fri, 07/03/2020 - 10:48
Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALRO S.A. concluded with the company CONEF GAZ S.R.L. the following transaction whose cumulated value exceed EUR 50,000 (currency exchange rate used by NBR is the one valid on the conclusion date of the legal document subject of the report; the calculated value does not include VAT):
No. | Parties that have concluded the legal document | Conclusion date and the nature of the document |
Description of the object-matter of the legal document | The total value of the legal document (RON) | Mutual debts (RON) | Established guarantees, stipulated penalties | Terms and modalities of payment |
1. | ALRO S.A. (Owner) – CONEF GAZ. S.R.L.. (Lessee) | 762/01.07.2020 Addendum no.7 to the lease contract no.1070/2008 | Extending the contract validity by a period of 2 years, with possibility to further automatically extend the contract validity, by successive periods of 2 years each, unless one of the parties notifies in writing the other party of having the intention to sign a new Addendum or to terminate the contract. The Notification for termination of the contract shall be sent 6 (six) months prior to the date of contract termination | 303,502 | - | 12% interest rate per year calculated monthly | Until the 10th of the following month |
Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE | Gheorghe DOBRA |
Chairman of the Board of Directors | Chief Executive Officer |