Current report in compliance with of article no. 108 of Law no. 24/2017, republished (ALRO S.A. & VIMETCO MANAGEMENT ROMANIA S.R.L.)

Thu 24/10/2024 16:20

Significant event to be reported: Reporting of transactions with related parties according to art. 108paragraph 3 and paragraph 13 of Law no. 24/2017 – Republished 

 Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALRO S.A. concluded on the date of October 24th, 2024 with the company VIMETCO MANAGEMENT ROMANIA S.R.L, one new transaction whose value cumulated with the other transactions concluded/ carried out within the last 12 months, cumulatively exceed 5% of the Company’s net assets as per ALRO S.A. Standalone Financial related to the first 6 months of 2024, amounting to RON 43,365,613.

Details regarding the transaction concluded on October 24th, 2024 by ALRO S.A., as final client/distribution operator, with VIMETCO MANAGEMENT ROMANIA S.R.L., as main supplier, containing information on the transaction date of conclusion, nature, description of its object, mutual receivables and debts are presented in Annex 1 hereto.

The Company management declares that the management has assessed the reported transactions as being economically correct and justified.   


Chairman of the Board of Directors                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer 

Marian Daniel Nastase                                                                                                           Marin Cilianu


Annex 1 - Reporting of transaction concluded on October 24th, 2024 and of mutual debts and receivables balances as of September 30th, 2024