Current report drafted according to the stipulations of the 226 article of the Law no. 297/2004

Wed, 07/01/2009 - 00:00

Wed, 07/01/2009 - 00:00

On 29 June 2009 the S.C. Alro S.A Shareholders’ General Ordinary Meeting took place.

It was attended by the following shareholders:

  • Vimetco NV, holding 600,929,084 shares representing 84.19 % of the share capital, represented by Ioana Racoti;
  • S.C. Conef S.A., holding 26,901,571 shares representing 3.77 % of the share capital, represented by Ioana Racoti;
  • Fondul Proprietatea, holding 70,859,106 shares representing 9.93 % of the share capital, represented by Cristian Ovidiu Serbanescu;
  • Gheorghe Dumitrascu, holding 2,615 shares representing 0.0004 % of the share capital;
  • Constantin Stoian, holding 238 shares representing less than 0.0001 % of the share capital;
  • Constantin Popescu, holding 124 shares representing less than 0.0001 % of the share capital;
  • Marin Tudor, holding 124 shares representing less than 0.0001 % of the share capital;
  • Cristian Oprescu, holding 124 shares representing less than 0.0001 % of the share capital;
  • Ioana Racoti, holding 100 shares representing less than 0.0001 % of the share capital;

The shareholders who were present in the General ordinary meeting hold shares amounting to 97.886 % of the share capital.

The following decisions have been made:

  1. With a number of 627,833,980 votes in favour, amounting to 89.858 % of the share capital represented in the meeting, 70,859,106 votes against, all the votes being secretly expressed in the meeting, it is hereby appointed as director Mr. Adrian Manaicu for a mandate valid until 29 June 2013. The Articles of Incorporation of the company will be modified accordingly. The director newly appointed will give a statement of express acceptance of the mandate and will conclude professional liability insurance.
  2. With a number of 698,692,838 votes in favour, amounting to 99.99 % of the share capital represented in the meeting and 148 refraining votes, all the votes being secretly expressed in the meeting, is hereby appointed as financial auditor for a one-year mandate from the contract expiring date, respective from 9 August 2009 until 9 August 2010 - S.C. Deloitte Audit S.R.L.- with the headquarter in Bucharest, no. 4-8, N. Titulescu Street, entrance Est., floor 1st , Romania, registered with the Trade Registry under the number J40/6775/1995, Unique registration code 7756924, represented by Mr. Santiago Pardo.
  3. With a number of 698,693,086 votes in favour, amounting to 100 % of the share capital represented in the meeting, the power of attorney for the legal representatives of S.C. ALRO S.A. for the negotiation and signing of the contract with S.C. Deloitte Audit S.R.L. is approved.
  4. With a number of 698,693,086 votes in favour, amounting to 100 % of the share capital represented in the meeting, the date of July 20 2009 is approved to be the registration date of shareholders for all the decisions made during the meeting of the Company’s Shareholders’ General Ordinary Meeting, pursuant to the provisions of article 238 of Law no. 297/2004 regarding the capital market.
  5. With a number of 698,693,086 votes in favour, amounting to 100 % of the share capital represented in the meeting, the power of attorney for Ion Constantinescu to make the formalities, required to register the decisions, is approved, including signing the Articles of Incorporation of the company, modified according to the decisions made by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

President of the Board                                Managing Director
Frank Mueller                                             Gheorghe Dobra

Current report drafted according to the stipulations of the 226 article of the Law no. 297__2004