Candidacy proposal for the position of administrator of S.C. Alro S.A. Slatina Board of Directors.
Thu, 16/04/2009 - 00:00
To the Shareholders' General Meeting of S.C. Alro S.A. Slatina
The undersigned Ionescu Dumitru Viorel, Romanian citizen, born on August 29th, 1972, in Slatina, Olt County, Romania, domiciled in Slatina, 9 A.I. Cuza Street, building CAM1, entrance A , ap. 22,Olt County, Romania, shareholder of S.C. Alro S.A, Slatina, in compliance with art. 1371 paragraph (2) of Law no. 3l/1990 regarding trading companies, as republished with its subsequent amendments, hereby submit my candidacy for a position of a member in S.C. Alro S.A. Slatina Board of Directors. This proposal is made under point 14 of the Agenda of the Shareholders' General Ordinary Meeting summoned for April 30th, 2009, (first meeting) or May 1st, 2009, (the second meeting, unless the quorum is met during the first meeting summons), to be held at Company headquarters in Slatina, 116 Pitesti Street, Olt County, Romania. Also, pursuant to art. 1171 paragraph (2) of Law no. 3l/ l990 regarding trading companies, as republished with its subsequent amendments, I hereby declare that I have Bachelor's Degree in law as well as an engineer's, both issued by institutions which are certified by the Romanian Education Ministry, this information being required to sustain my professional qualification.
Eng. Ionescu Dumitru Viorel
S.C. Alro S.A. Shareholder