Auditor Report - art. 108 Law 24/2017 (R) – H2, 2023

Mon, 01/29/2024 - 18:15

Important event to be reported:Publication of the Financial Auditor’sReport regarding the transactions reported according to art. 108of the Law no. 24/2017, republished– 2nd Semester 2023

ALRO S.A. informs the shareholders and investors regarding the issuance of the Report of the Company’s Financial Auditor regarding the transactions reported by Alro during the period July 1st - December 31st, 2023, according to art. 108 of Law no. 24/2017, as republished, as well as in accordance with ASF Regulation no. 5/2018.

The Financial Auditor’sReportis also available on company website - Investor Relations section – Reports - Financial reports 2023.

The Financial Auditor’sReportis attached to this Current Report.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer

ALRO SA_Independent limited assurance report ASF 2023 II Sem - EN+reports